Emiliano Achaval, wood lathe artist. Located in Maui, Hawaii

It was the foundation of my learning experience, sharing the knowledge with fellow turners, that led me to be one of the founding members of the Maui Woodturners Association. I was voted as the first President on February of 2016. We are a chapter club of the American Association of Woodturners.
10 years ago I purchased an Australian made lathe: a Stubby S750, in my opinion, one of the more solidly built and most versatile lathes available anywhere in the world today. It weighs around 800 Lbs with the added sand, needless to say, there is no vibration at all, even with big unbalanced pieces.
I turn almost exclusively Koa wood, with the occasional fruit tree like Lychee, avocado, and mango. Also the occasional hard to find Milo wood, Pheasant wood, and some other rare native trees… If it’s wood, and it's nice, I will turn it…
2017 has started with a bang! I have been awarded the 2017 Educational Scholarship given by the American Association of Woodturners!! Truly a great honor. I will be going to one of the best Art schools in the world, Arrowmont, in Gatlinburg Tennessee.
I'm now a contributing writer for the best woodturning magazine in the world, Woodturning UK, keep an eye out for my articles coming out soon!
Also, the AAW chose one of my Koa bowls as "Turning of the Week" for the week starting on January 9th, 2017!! I did say that 2017 was going to be Epic!! Aloha from Maui
Video Link: https://www.hawaiiankoaturner.com/about_the_artist