Herman de Vries Interview:
I always wondered why someone would put up a home page. After all, it does seem a bit presumptuous (egotistical, maybe?) to think anyone would want to read about me, where I work and the hobbies with which I occupy my time. But when I thought about it, the ability to seek out others with similar interests and swap e-mail has been one of the most enjoyable uses I have found for the Internet. So, here I am, and I'd be delighted to hear from you if you wish to comment or correspond. I've answered literally hundreds of questions since I put this page up - I always answer my e-mail.Someone told me, after I first put this page up, to include some personal stuff. So many have said, "I went to your music page expecting to hear you singing some of your songs. Where are they?" I added (December of 2005) a few of my songs under the "Lifetime of Singing" link if you would like to hear some.
Unless you are keen to see some personal pictures of me, Karen, grandkids, my baby (a '71 Olds Cutlass Supreme convertible)(edit - sold in 2016), Kira the pooch and a few shots of the house, yard, etc., stay away from that "Who Am I" link. I've been told the history is interesting and if you're curious you're welcome to browse it. Certainly, I hope that family and friends will take the time to look.
You might appreciate all the woodworking, woodturnings, music, singing, etc. I've also got a page of tips (more correctly - things I've learned the hard way) for woodturners.
Most of all please let me know you were here. All of your This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. are welcomed.
I would also like to tell you about WoW - the World of Woodturners web page. I started up the free site in November of 2001. More than 10,000 members have joined in at some time or another , and as of the end of 2016 we have about 2500 regular contributing members. If you clicked on the link above you were able to see, as a member of the public, you will see a sample from the "Artist of the Month" (chosen by a team of fine woodturners from around the world), and have an opportunity to browse through an album of sample works from all of our members of the kind of work you will find within the site. There is also a page of fine woodturning pieces that members have for sale. Any member can have a permanent photo album on the site, and as members post their work others comment, congratulate, and make suggestions on the piece. There are hundreds of tips and tricks, and thousands of photos in the albums of woodturners, beginners to professionals, from around the world.
In 2013 we were suddenly advised that the site that was hosting our site was shutting down, and we were devastated. We almost folded the tent and gave up, as we had 12 years of work, more than 50,00 photos, hundreds of albums and thousands of tips, tricks and information on the site.
But a beautiful thing happened. Members of WoW said, "Can't we give some money and make our own site?" I asked for pledges and almost overnight we raised enough money to start. So, I took a fistful of drawings to a number of site developers and no one wanted to touch us, until I met Kyle Molotkin, and his start-up company said, "Sure, we can do it. You need it in six weeks? Sure, we can do that". So the new site as it exists today was built, I formed World of Woodturners, Inc, and all the information was archived and put on the new site. It was a little like a miracle. We even opened the new site a few days early. You need a lot of time if you want to see it all, but you are welcome to join. You do not have to be a woodturner. Even if you are only a browser you are welcome, but you cannot be anonymous. Email me for a username and password.
Duration: | 1 Month |
Price: | €5.00 |