
Ulf Jansson

Ulf JanssonUlf Jansson Interview:


Woodturning has been my way of “charging my batteries” for more than 40 years and the perfect complement to my theoretical work as Master of Science Electrical Engineering. Using both halves of the brain has made me a complete and happy person. People describe me as a Homo Ludens. I use a vivid combination of happiness and math in my woodturning, and the woodturning to solve my work problems – the ultimate combination! Super sharp tools are the base for my woodworking. Understanding the tools and the properties of wood (and other usable materials) are vital parts of the never ending spiral of creative woodturning.
Less is more and the simple forms in combination with delicate turning and some cuts on the rim is very much me!


Helen Bailey Interview:

Helen Bailey is a woodturner from Newcastle Upon Tyne in the North East of England. Helen states that woodturning was not a hobby that she ever thought about trying. It was  when visiting her local club with her dad Neville that the seed was sown, Neville invited Helen along to watch a demonstration on turning pens and the rest, as they say, is history. Enthralled by what was demonstrated, Helen had purchased her first lathe within days of watching the demonstration.

Although only turning for a limited time Helen’s work has received many accolades already in her short career. A regular  contributor to the world of woodturners website (, Helen has had the majority of her entries featured as the cover of the day.

Duration: 1 Month
Price: €5.00